The Student Engagement Unit provides a range of services and resources designed to help students succeed. 

Services include language and learning development, counselling, career services, disability and international student services. For staff, the Learning and Teaching Unit is a comprehensive resource designed to support academics in their teaching roles.

The University of South Australia has a commitment to graduate qualities that reflect a worldwide movement within educational institutions such as universities. There is a deliberate focus on the development of particular student outcomes through educational programs. A number of different terms are used to refer to these outcomes including graduate qualities, graduate outcomes, graduate attributes, generic qualities and transferable or key skills.

UniSA has used a framework to guide the development of teaching and learning priorities and emphases since 1993. A new framework that builds on earlier commitments but accommodates the changing context of higher education and seeks to position the University as dynamic, progressive and responsive to the range of stakeholders who have legitimate interests in higher education and its graduates, was approved by Academic Board in June 2007. The framework has shaped teaching and learning planning at UniSA from 2008 and beyond.

The new framework’s principal function is to indicate the key elements of our teaching and learning activity and the relationships between them. It indicates a coherent process linking intentions, implementation activity, outcomes and reflections on improvements. In this, it is not unlike a quality assurance process.